Boileau Business Technology Blog

Cybersecurity Awareness: Password best practices

10/11/2022 2:41:19 PM / by Jennie


Boileau business solutions cybersecurity password practices (2)

Securing your company's primary assets is essential in the modern digital world. Unfortunately, some employees' poor password hygiene practices can lead to issues for many small businesses, exposing them to hackers.

Cybercriminals are always looking for new entry points into corporate networks. Sadly, they succeed far too frequently because of weak passwords. It is imperative that small and medium businesses take action by putting strong password rules in place and taking password security seriously.

Fortunately, there are a few best practices you can adhere to in order to safeguard your company. Here are the top 10 passwords to avoid using at all costs that are the most popular on the dark web before we get to those.

1. 123456

2. 123456789

3. Qwerty

4. Password

5. 12345

6. 12345678

7. 111111

8. 1234567

9. 123123

10. Qwerty123


Password best practices

When your workforce is informed of password best practices, your cybersecurity will be significantly increased.

1. Implement a password manager

Using a password manager is one of the most essential steps you can do to protect your credentials. You can create and save secure passwords for all of your online accounts with the aid of a password manager. You can manage your passwords and make sure they are different for each account by using a password manager.


2. Avoid reusing passwords on multiple accounts

If a hacker manages to get one of your accounts, they will attempt to access your other accounts using the same password. You can lessen the harm that a hacker can do by using different passwords for each account.

Instead of writing down your passwords on a piece of paper, choose a secure method like a reputable password manager.

3. Make use of two-factor authentication (2FA)

Use of two-factor authentication is one of the best strategies to safeguard your online accounts (2FA). 2FA asks you to enter a code from your phone or another device in addition to your password. This technique makes it far more difficult for someone to get into your account, even if they know your password.

Even if 2FA is not flawless, it is a reliable security technique that can help to safeguard your online accounts. If you haven't already, we advise that you start using 2FA right now. Make sure each account has a secure and distinctive code if you utilise 2FA.

4. Don’t use the information available on your social media

Social media is widely used by people to remain in touch with friends and family, keep up with current events, and share their ideas and experiences with others. Social media platforms can, however, also serve as a significant source of private data for criminals.

You must refrain from utilising information that is readily available on your social media accounts when creating passwords. Your name, birth date, and other information that could be used to figure out your password are included in this. You may contribute to the safety and security of your accounts by taking this step.


Explore Boileau's 24/7 Cybersecurity solutions further here or reach out to our sales team to start finding the RIGHT solutions for your business: Contact Us


Tags: Organisational strategy, Digital transformation


Written by Jennie