Boileau Business Technology Blog

Technology, strategy and insights

Written by Boileau Team | 22/02/2021 12:31:54 AM

If you’re an SME, there are three terms you’ve most likely come across: business technology, organisational strategy and customer insights.

But what do they mean? And more importantly, how can they fit together for the benefit of your business?

Put simply, organisational strategy refers to how you plan to allocate your business’s resources (ie money, stock and staff) to achieve your sales, marketing and production. Business technology refers to the various hardware and software you use in your business (ie PCs, multi-function devices, IT networks, mobile functionality, cyber security, telecommunications and more). And customer insights refers to the data you analyse about your clients to better understand them and how to reach them.

Individually, these elements are important to how your run your business. But combined, they’re essential to help your business thrive.

In a recent webinar, Ian Renwood, Head of Technology Consulting at Grant Thornton Australia spoke with Claire Rogers, Managing Director of the Mentor List CEO Advisory, about how aligning your technology with your organisational strategy often means focusing on the data available to you from your clients.

In other words, take a look at what your clients are doing and saying. Are they happy with how they access your services or products? Is it a lot of effort for them to engage with your business? Are your most loyal or frequent repeat-business clients starting to disengage?

Analysing this information is your best indicator into whether your business is set up with the right technology to deliver on your organisational strategy. What is the data telling you? Do you need to take your strategy into a different direction? And if so, is your current technology setup equipped to help you do that?

The right business technology will become one of your business’s greatest opportunities to grow. It will help you innovate your processes, give your clients greater access to your products and services and, importantly, it will save you time and money.

If you’d like more information what business technology will help you achieve your organisational strategy, please get in touch. Our business development consultants are at the forefront of technological trends and advancements for the workplace. They can create a solution that is custom fit to your business and help get you out of the “but that’s always how we’ve done it” headspace.

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WEBINAR REGISTRATION: Ian Renwood from Grant Thornton and Claire Roger from Mentor List